Summer and the Roastest with the Mostest
/The summer came and went by too quickly– camping trips, time at the pool, my first ever garden, the state fair, walks/bike rides on our dirt road… all of those things made it wonderful.
What else made it wonderful??? I discovered some new ways to make roast beef, which I have to share because I have heard from some people “I don’t know what I would do with the roasts.” That sounds like crazy talk to someone who grew up with a freezer full of beef and a mother who used roasts as the "go to" for an easy dinner. ("Oh I guess I'll just make a roast for dinner." - actually, supper...)
Not believing me? Well here are not just ONE but TWO of my favorite creations this summer–
Fool Proof Roast
Preheat your oven to 500 degrees (yee gad you say… well keep reading)
Take a roast – any kind (I used a rump roast). Make sure it has good marbling (the ones with no marbling are the toughest and much better for the crock pot).
Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper and place in a roasting pan. (NOTE: I also like to do potatoes at the same time so get those ready too)
Put the uncovered roast (and potatoes if you have them) in 500 degree oven. Shut the door and DO NOT open again.
After closing the oven door, turn oven down to 400 degrees.
Cook 7 minutes per pound. Yes – you have to do math. What I mean is that if it is 3 pounds, then you let it cook for 21 minutes. If you like yours a little more pink, do 6 minutes / pound, which is what I did for results below. MAKE SURE TO SET YOUR TIMER SO YOU DON’T FORGET.
Once timer goes off, turn off the oven completely and leave the roast in the oven for 90 more minutes. Again - do not open the oven door.
After the 90 minutes are over, take the roast out of the oven – let sit for 15-20 minutes before slicing. The keeps the juices in.
Once fully rested, slice against the grain… and ENJOY!
Too many steps? Ok and even EASIER one is below. It is something I just made up when I had a bunch of peppers from the garden that I needed to use up before we went camping. I threw some stuff in a gallon zip lock bag and had no idea how absolutely yummy this was going to be.
Balsamic Beef Bites and Peppers
- Take a roast – any kind. My favorite for this recipe is sirloin tip but really any kind works.
- Once thawed, slice into bit sized cubes (kabob-like) and place in a one gallon ziplock bag.
- Crush garlic, slice onions and peppers (I like a variety of colors) and add to the bag,
- Pour one whole bottle of balsamic dressing into the bag and squish up to incorporate throughout.
Snug as a bug in a rug
- Marinate at least 8 hours – I prefer 24 hours, if possible.
- Fire up the grill, place contents in a grilling basket and cook it up. (for best results, do not dump all at once… put in a layer at a time, remove and put in covered dish and repeat with remaining.
The wood from the fire gives extra flavor - but it is still equally awesome over a grill at home.
- Note – I serve this with orzo (either warm or chilled) that has been tossed with some olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and fresh basil. It was a hit with everyone and has been on heavy rotation ever since.
Bon appetite! I was especially psyched because everything except the orzo was from our ranch.
So there you have it...
Rethinking roasts? I hope so. I know just the place to get some... give me a call and I can hook you up!